martes, 22 de julio de 2008

Video Viral Levi's

Es un video de la multinacional Levi's anunciando sus famosos jeans de una forma interesante.
Un grupo de chicos rellenan los jeans de uno de ellos con gas Helio, el protagonista intenta volar como si fuese un astronauta.
Realidad o Ficción?

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008


  • A group called Vandals Against Violence (Vandaler Mod Vold) has launched a post-it campaign in response to recent violent incidents in Copenhagen.

    The post-it notes are placed throughout the city and carry handwritten statements and reminders such as "only the weak resort to violence".

    Probably not a campaign with much impact but at least a creative alternative to CCTVs etc, which seems to be the only antidote that politicians come up with nowadays.